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The mobile app "i2t Smart" is a human-machine interface (HMI) for smartphone with the new "Internet of Things" (IoT) technology developed for Remote Control and Monitoring in Smart Home applications. The App enables users to remotely monitor sensors and remotely control all types of actuators connected to I2T smart devices. These devices and the app communicate through an IoT Server in the Internet Cloud.

The app manages, configures and remotely operates the following I2T smart devices:

• I2T.LIGHT. Control of light and monitoring of doors.
• I2T.POWER. Control of electrical equipment and Monitoring of alert button.
• I2T.SENSOR. Monitoring of Motion and Door Sensors and Alarm Control.
• I2T.GDOOR. Control and Monitoring of Electric Garage Door.
• I2T.WATER. Garden irrigation control.
• I2T.GAS. Control of Gas Supply.
• I2T.EDOOR. Control and monitoring of door with electric actuator.
• I2T.SWITCH. Universal switch control and digital sensor monitoring.
• I2T.AC. Control of air conditioner and monitoring of room temperature.

The app has the following features:

• ON / OFF control of actuators (lights, appliances, alarms, doors, valves, etc.)
• Real-time remote monitoring of digital sensors (proximity, movement detector, etc.)
• Automatic ON / OFF programming in schedules.
• Timers for automatic turn off.
• Notifications from app or email when detection on sensor is activated.
• Communication with IoT Server of I2T smart devices is via Wi-Fi and the App can be Wi-Fi, 3G data network, 4G.
• Does not require hubs, each device connects directly to the cloud.
• Single user for security to manage all I2T devices.